What: CXP Fourth Quarter, Fiscal Year 2003 Earnings Conference Call
When: Apr. 22, 2003 at 11 a.m. Eastern time, 10 a.m. Central time
Where: http://www.centex-cxp.com
How: Live over the Internet -- Simply log on to the Web at the above address.
Contact: Art Zunker, Senior Vice President - Finance and Treasurer, 214-981-6510
If you are unable to listen to the live webcast, the call will be archived at http://www.centex-cxp.com for 30 days. To access the replay, click on Investor Relations.
Dallas, Texas-based CXP manufactures and distributes cement, gypsum wallboard, paperboard and concrete and aggregates.
(Minimum Requirements to listen to broadcast: The Windows Media Player software, downloadable free from http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/EN/default.asp and at least a 28.8Kbps connection to the Internet. If you experience problems listening to the broadcast, send an email to webcastsupport@tfprn.com .)
SOURCE Centex Construction Products